Tuesday, January 12, 2010

new york, new york!

it's 3pm and i just woke up.

before all fades into blurry memories i'd like to post this vivid dream here, it's like the best dream since i've recently had nightmares many many times in a row..

it all started with how fed up i became with sis always touching my belongings without permission (i hate it), so i went to buddy's place. funny, cuz all i wore was t-shirt and panties.. it was chinese new year then, so his family was setting up chinese new year props (which i think seldom happens to both our families). and it was the year of the dragon then, his year.. he told me he had to do some stuff, idk whether their rituals or wtv LOL..

we went up to his room, got me some decent kakhis to wear. open the closet doors and all of a sudden we were in the big apple, at night! his school there was like futuristic alice in wonderland, weird but cool monuments around, cool lightings, even the school lab were horribly cool! it was nice he introduced me to some friends then it reminded me of my twin buddies from philadelphia, but it all turned a different way after that.. we were around for a while and i had in mind that i was in the place i wanted with one of the best person in the world, was soooo happy! i told him i didn't want this to go away, he took a picture but the camera wouldn't work, i think that was when i woke up.. kinda disappointed but happy i could see D & new york in my dreams :D

1 comment:

Damien said...

That's freakin awesome!! i'd love to go to that school!! overall sounds very cool ur dream was~ :D