Wednesday, September 9, 2009


At last, my freedom is due.. Since last week i've been staying out during weekdays to be closer to work and to reduce the risk of getting robbed since it's the peak season of it.. I go home on weekends just for the sakes of being home, and to take a look a my hamsters every now and then..

I've been wanting to be on my own since 2 years ago and i sorta achieved it.. It takes a little effort and guts to get what i want.. Although folks never bothered to ask nicely why i opted out.. Sighs..

Anyways, the sad part of life is sorta over, i get to wake up a little later everyday and office is just steps away! Everybody knows i love to sleep.. So be it.. Now my next goal is to get my own apartment, yay!

There's this government subsidised apartment somewhere between Sunter and Kelapa Gading, it's kinda squeezy but it's worth the price and i'm gonna get a studio apartment. I think. I'm gonna be so close to my favorite places in Jakarta!

Till next post, see ya :)

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